Easy Children’s Craft: Fleece Tie Blanket (no-sew!)


Ever since I thought I came up with the idea for fleece tie blankets I have been rather enthusiastic about making them. They are super easy and fun to make. I made my first one when I was twelve, but I’m sure even a 5 or 6 year old could make one. This is not only a great way to get your kids/self to get off the couch and do something with their hands, but it can also be a way to start young with the Proverbs 31 virtues you should strive to instill in your daughter(s).


She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. – Proverbs 31:13

She makes coverings for her bedshe is clothed in fine linen and purple. – Proverbs 31:22



  • 1 ½ yd – fleece x2 (who different patterns, prints, colors, etc.)
  • scissors (the sharper the better, so if your child is young you may want to assist them when using them)
  • eager hands (see Proverbs 31:13 above)


  1. Lay out the first piece of fleece face down (you can usually tell which one is the right side by which piece is brighter). Straighten the fabric so there aren’t any wrinkles or folds.
  2. Place the second piece of fleece directly on top of the first, face up. Make sure the corners are aligned and there are no wrinkles of folds in the fleece.
  3. Now you are going to want to cut off the corners of the blanket. If you plan on making your ties 2 to 3 inches long then you are going to make a 2 to 3 inch long cut with a width of 1 inch on each corner of the blanket. (Confused? See my diagram below!)blanket illustration
  4. Now you are going to make cuts in the fabric in your desired length x width. (example below)
  5. Once you have finished one side tie the strips into knots. Repeat on the rest of the sides.
  6. You’re finished!




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